Nutritional therapy to aid male fertility needs to be taken for at least 4 months. Healthy sperm is the first step towards giving your child a good start.
The fundamental problem with genetic modification is that it involves corporations owning parts of the food chain.
no matter how big or powerful the study on statins and CVD they cannot show a benefit of more than around 1%. But the claim big numbers like 25-45%. The reason for such a big discrepancy is that they use relative risk not real risk. If 3 people die out of 100 on the statin […]
Cholesterol is not the public enemy that it has been made out to be it is one of the most essential nutrients in the body. The only reason we have demonised it is because there is a drug, statins, that can lower the levels. Yes they do lower the levels of cholesterol extremely well but […]
We now know the underlying cause of metabolic syndrome and diabetes and that they are lifestyle diseases. But we persist in treating them with drugs and giving these people lifestyle advice when it is already progressed after years of damage. The only difference between diabetes and prediabetes is really an arbitrary number. On one side […]
Do you suffer from allergies? Do joint pain and immune problems plague you throughout the whole year?
Having been in practice for many years its easy to take for granted what the alternative health industry has to offer to our clients. I was reminded of this fact when I met a new patient yesterday who came seeking support to address his depression. He came thinking that medication was the only way his […]
68% to 70% of women who exercise regularly do not wear a proper supportive bra. The movement of breast bounce whilst exercising can be as much as 21cm according to the University of Portsmouth UK.
Cooper ligaments hold up the breast. These stretched with bounce. They can be permanently damaged when not wearing supportive bras, doesn’t matter the size.
Most therapists will tell you that healing occurs when awareness is opened up and learning occurs. When we learn about who we are, why we are like that and what it is that effects us we start to improve our life. If awareness is undeveloped we are in denial of that aspect of our life […]
Generation Y you face many challenges such as moving away from home, starting work or study. These changes in lifestyle can cause dietary changes that are not always conducive to healthy eating. Binge drinking, recreational drug taking and fast food all take their toll sooner than later. As does going to bed late, texting, on the computer for hours and sleep deprivation.
No matter how old you are healthy eating and exercise is imperative. It’s a matter of finding out what works for you and sticking to it. I stopped running when I started karate. Over Christmas I met a senior in her 60’s who has been running for over twenty years. I was inspired.
Laughing is one of the best known remedies of a lot of illnesses. People have been known to laugh themselves well from cancer or to stop anxiety attacks through learning how to laugh. It can also seriously lighten your mood and your outlook on life and reduce stress and anxiety. Laughing is a lot more […]
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