
Don’t Forget The Fun!

I was about to complete my blog on Estrogen and the very big part it plays in breast cancer when a flood of emotions washed over me and the little voice said ‘you know what lets get back to the human side of cancer for a minute’.

What is well being?

Often I’m asked the question what is well being and how do you get it (or get more of it). Well being is what everyone wants to feel often without knowing what it looks like or even how it feels. Often it just is to feel better than how I’m feeling right now.

Perfume as individual as you!

The power of our sense of smell is amazing. A certain smell might evoke memories of a certain time and place – like the way the peppermint reminds me of my grandmother or how jasmine takes me back to my family home in Malaysia. Other scents might make us feel excited, adventurous, daring or conjure a range of other emotions.

Tight buns and tums for busy Mums!

Most gyms these days are kid-friendly, offering child minding facilities that allow busy Mums some time to themselves to squeeze in a workout. If your local gym doesn’t have a creche, membership doesn’t work into your budget or you prefer to be around your bub while you exercise, this is the perfect workout for you!

Hay Fever Relief

Hay fever is one of those conditions that people just learn to live with.  The constant sneezing, itchy eyes and runny nose can be extremely debilitating.  Unlike other allergies, it is a condition that is generally caused by our environment and often no matter how diligent we are with keeping the home dust and mould […]