
Cleanse the body

I just recently did a cleanse. It was a 10 day program with herbal capsules and a strict diet. That meant doing without all the things I have grown accustomed. Tea (sweet tea with milk), sugar, carbs, alcohol basically everything except fruit and veggies.

Killer 200 rep workout

This fantastic workout targets strength, endurance, aerobic fitness, stability, balance and will power! It will challenge your whole body and push you to the limit (in a good way!).

fruits and vegetables that should be organic

15 Fruits and Veg You Don’t Need to Buy Organic

In a perfect world, we’d all eat nothing but naturally grown produce from our local farmer (or straight from the enormous vegetable patch in our own back yard!) everything freshly picked that day, still covered by mineral rich soil and warm from the sun. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible for us who live inner-city. Not to mention the financial strain to always buy everything organic.


We all know too well the experiences of being ‘hormoanal’! Each month us ladies go on our emotional rollercoaster and partners, families and colleagues are most likely testament to this ride.

Snooping on your partner

I hear a lot these days about people snooping on their partners. Our information is more accessible than ever to our partner with a lot of people having smart phones, email and texts which save all our information. So finding an email, phone number or text is quite easy to do.

Healthy Living

Today whilst running along the beach with the wind bellowing against my face (it was very windy) looking more like Robocop than an athlete due to all my running gear, I thought everyone who can do this could at least try it. Once you get fit enough to run without sounding like you have a chronic airway disease it’s extremely enjoyable.

Coping with grief

Grief is a difficult thing. It overcomes up and feels like it will never end. It’s hard to give into the tears for many reasons be it your gender, where you are or your inability to let go.