An acquaintance recently sent me this moving story about someone who in spite of great obstacles kept his dream alive.
With party season approaching fast, it’s time to get to the gym to work on lean, toned and defined arms to complement all of your Summer party outfits.
These 5 simple exercises can be completed one after the other as a circuit, should take less than 15 minutes, and will leave you with arms to be envied!
It’s one of the hardest choices we have. Vaccination is not compulsory in Australia, in fact, it is not only the privilege, but the right of any parent to choose whether they vaccinate their children or not.
Frequent Snacking and Tooth Decay Every nutritionist will tell you that during pregnancy you are better off having 5 or more small meals and snacks then a few large meals. They will also advise you to watch your sugar intake, especially if you are at risk of or are suffering from gestational diabetes. Frequent snacking […]
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine which uses micro-doses of substances that come from all kingdoms of nature; biological, botanical and minerals, to stimulate our bodies own response to overcome illness.
Whether we are conscious of them or not, we all have chakras – bright wheels of energy, spinning within our bodies. We have seven major chakras, and each of them has a different function and energy. And, while they exist within our bodies, their influence extends far beyond the physical. Your chakras influence the health of:
When people think of criticism, most think of either deliberate criticism (a blunt, hurtful, rude or judgmental comment made intentionally) or constructive criticism (a comment designed to ‘help’ you in some way with performance, behaviour, etc).
I have heard many acronyms for fear in years past and most of them with a negative undertone
In this series of articles of pregnancy related oral health, we explain what conditions are most likely to occur during pregnancy and how to avoid them or at least minimize their effect on your teeth and gums. Make your health, including your oral health, your priority during your pregnancy. Oral disease is transmissible so you owe it to yourself and to your family to stay healthy, fit and happy! Find out about common dental side-effects of pregnancy and how to protect yourself from complications.
Ginseng is an herb that has been used in Asian and Russian cultures for centuries for the flavour it adds to cooking but more importantly as an herbal medicine.
In this day and age with so much information at our finger tips and teenagers openly communicating with each other on Facebook or Twitter, it is amazing that they still seem to know very little about sex.
If I were able to chart my brain right now it would have certainly more peaks and troughs than the recent history of our Australian Stock Exchange.
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