I wonder what effect the removal of ‘cost anxiety’ has on the people’s interest in the consent and planning process. Do people simply surrender themselves to the power of the cheapest veneers on the planet, or do they still take the time to understand what is proposed? And how much time? If their holiday is […]
I’m sure I’m not the only one whose head launches into a rendition of ‘I believe in miracles…where you from’ (the 1975 hit by Hot Chocolates ‘You Sexy Thing’) when reading the title of this blog.
Protein allows the muscles to rebuild and repair. Whether your goal is fat loss, muscle gain, to become fitter, stronger, leaner, or a combination; it is essential that you refuel your body after exercise.
It is suggested that the ideal “window” of time in which to consume our post-workout meal (in order to aid recovery) is up to 90 minutes after training. The sooner, the better! This recipe is for the perfect post-workout meal, that takes only 5 minutes to prepare!
Still not convinced dental tourism is not good for you? Only two more reasons to go, but in this article we re-think the proposition that it is ‘cheaper’ to get dentistry done overseas.
A tincture of the fresh herb Ledum Palustre is used to make Ledum.
Osteoporosis is a disease that thins the bones and can lead to fractures.
We’ve all had it, we all know what it’s like. When you have been somewhere on holidays or even just at home and then the time comes when you have to return home, return to work, return to routine and often return to all the old stuff that used to happen.
Reason 3 of 5 strong reasons why you should NOT contemplate medical or dental tourism!
Glyconutritionals are imperative to good health and good immunity. They are natural – not synthetic.
A tincture is prepared from the powdered seeds, which contain a crystallisable principle Picrotoxine, a powerful poison.
The homeopathic form is curative for the affections from loss of sleep, and seasickness.
A 10 year old boy is brought to me by his mother with chronic nose bleeds. I ask some pertinent questions…Does he pick his nose? Is he being bullied at school?
A sore throat is one of the most annoying side affects of winter and colds – and it doesn’t stop there. For some, they can pop up at any given time of the year. But don’t fret; there are many home remedies out there to naturally soothe your sore throat.
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