Did you know that if it shows up in a blood test that you are anaemic it can cause you serious health problems? A deficiency in iron is just the start of it.
Did you know that insulin resistance is responsible for many illnesses including weight gain? It is also linked to free radical damage which can be the foundation of many major illnesses such as diabetes.
Ever noticed how some people are touchy and can react easily to even the smallest thing? This might be a comment from someone, being too busy or little events that happen to us all like traffic, spilling our coffee, losing a document and so on.
Echinacea angustifolia has become a popular medicine used by alternative therapists and the general public for ‘strengthening’ the immune system or for conditions related to immune dysfunction such as colds, flu, and susceptibility to infections. In the past it was a medicine known for its use in treating such conditions as typhoid, diphtheria, malignant scarlatina, […]
In a recent study this month researchers found that fungus plays an important part in inflammatory diseases such as ulcerative colitis. Cedars-Sinai’s Inflammatory Bowel and Immunobiology Research Institute found that the fungi in the large intestine were a model for the disease.
I’m just back from holidays. My first business email says welcome back to the rat race – is it? I then read my horoscope. It forecasts issues at work and direction changes. I gasped! That’s all I need coming back from holidays. Then I realised I was reading the wrong sign and didn’t feel […]
I now get to have my own mountainous plate of “pasta” which tastes every bit as good as the real thing (actually, better in my opinion!) without overindulging in carbohydrates and calories..
Recently, we have been hearing renewed calls for decriminalization of certain illicit drugs and an old debate of whether all drugs should be legal or not continues. Cannabis is the most commonly used drug in Australia (about 40 percent of Australians over the age of 14 have tried cannabis), so in this blog we are highlighting how prolonged cannabis use affects oral health.
A recent study done in England on multivitamins has shown that taking them can improve cognitive performance in both adults and children. The study was done by neuroscientists and they investigated the effects of multivitamins on moods and cognitive function.
Do you often feel you get bored or restless at various points in your life? This is characterised by feelings of boredom, not knowing what to do with yourself or what you want to do, feeling unmotivated and even feeling a bit lost or down.
Having recently experienced the highs of pregnancy and childbirth along with the lows of a nagging lung infection, I can really sympathize with people who battle asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on a daily basis. These conditions can really distract us from and dampen even the most joyful events in our lives. It doesn’t help, also, that treatment of asthma and COPD involves medication which can put us at risk of dental problems, such as tooth decay, erosion, gum disease and fungal infections (candidasis).
Are you working more than a 40-45 hour week? Is it something your boss demands or is it something you just do?
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