Studies show that having more does not necessarily make us happy. Yet we continue to accumulate more than we need.
Sometimes you will never know the value of something,until it becomes a memory. —Dr. Seuss We are heading north. I am sitting in the passenger seat making small black spiders of writing in my journal. White lines in the road rush at me and recede. Some time back we crossed the 25th parallel and shed […]
How do we juggle all of the changes life throws at us and still achieve a balanced practice?
Osteopaths can help you find slightly different ways of completing every day tasks to reduce chronic pain.
Some say that online giving increases empathy, others say that online giving takes advantage of donors.
Years of dreaming are finally being realised as I start my Yoga Teacher Training course in Goa.
Join our Mindful in May 31 day meditation challenge and heal yourself while giving clean water to save lives.
Can science and religion be joined without conflict?
I leave you with a prawn and mango curry recipe. Make it from scratch with time on your hands and love in your heart.
who am I? This question keeps us awake at night and makes us wonder where we fit in.
This is the time of year that many remember the Resurrection and what it means to them and others. Some people will take the time this weekend for giving eggs, chocolate, and other gifts. It is also an appropriate time for giving: Unconditional forgiveness Reliable friendship Unchanging truth The celebration of life, and Everlasting joy […]
The problem with the Easter season and seafood is that it leads to fishing for species that are already ‘overfished’.
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