From the early 1980s to now, dental implant success has increased rapidly.
A huge part of negative thinking is the way we speak of ourselves to others.
For individuals considering giving education in crisis zones, the priorities are access, quality, and infrastructure.
Answers to 4 questions you’ve always had for your osteopath (but have been too afraid to ask). 1. What do you think of me when I have to take my shirt/pants off? What we see is probably not what you think we’re looking at. Osteopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractors, doctors, etc. – all treat human bodies […]
Can’t handle going cold turkey? Here my are some easier ways to transition some sugar out of your life.
Its no secret anymore that the world’s best athletes are now using mindfulness to help them stay on top of their game.
Giving free legal aid to people in poverty and to the vulnerable makes a lot of sense.
When people say they have TMJ, what they probably mean is that they have TMD.
Three Cuban meals in one pot of beans and some Japanese wisdom on finding my authentic self.
Practising mindfulness of feelings is challenging but extremely rewarding on many levels.
When choosing a practitioner, the main concern you should have is finding someone you trust and are comfortable with.
Public health managers’ advice to reduce tuberculosis in the world is to first reduce diabetes.
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