Our anti-ageing expert Dr Michael Elstein looks at current cancer screening options plus preventative measures you can take.
ageing well
Golfers live longer than non-golfers.
Friends don’t only make your life more pleasant, they make it longer.
Eating fish regularly can add years to your life.
Thin people think those who are horizontally challenged need to exercise more and eat less, but it’s really not that easy. Here’s why.
Is beauty past 30 a myth? Each age brings unprecedented experience and joy, so why cling to only one?
Mistletoe has been found to kill off colon cancer cells but spare healthy cells.
A mind that can calmly focus on the present leads to a better ageing body.
There are two strategies that your brain uses to forget memories like embarrassing moments.
High blood pressure can make your brain age at a faster rate.
Exercise gives a boost to brain function in middle-aged people.
As much as iron is essential to our pranayama, having too much of it can be harmful.
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