The Ultimate Nutella Smoothie is thick and creamy and has a fair amount of protein, carbs and healthy fats, so it is a perfect post-exercise meal!
Your craving for sweet biscuits (cookies) could be driven by an addiction.
It is easy to become overloaded with technology and neglect the rest of your life. Here’s how to get that technology under control.
Asparagus has been reported to be a hangover cure but there are other options.
The Dark Mistress has been alcohol-free for about 6 weeks. I am noticing it less than I thought I would – given that my entire social life occurs in pubs and restaurants. The thing is… I will return to alcohol, because I actually respect the drug and it’s sacred mission. That mission, of course, would […]
There are many kinds of addiction but some of the most common in our society are to cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana and both legal and illegal drugs.
Do we really need to eat so much food? Who says? For most of us, eating is about the relentless search for satisfaction – nutrition happens to be a convenient side-effect. Desire for food is more fundamental than desire for sex. We engage with food three or more times a day, by adulthood most of […]
Food cravings are very common but finding out what drives your cravings can help you control them.
It’s time for FebFast! FebFast is a charity initiative that raises money for drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres and requires abstinence from alcohol for the month of February.
Alcohol-free months are almost becoming a rite of passage for many adult Aussies but are they worth it? We’ve found ten reasons to sign up for OcSober next month, plus some mocktail recipes to get you through!
Food cravings are very common but finding out what drives your cravings can help you control them.
That strong coffee is making you a good candidate for a heart attack maybe – or worse.
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