Jenny Craig
Losing weight and maintaining your goal weight has become easy with Jenny Craig. Jenny Craig is Australia’s number one food and nutrition consultant, enabling men and women to reach their goal weight. If you are looking to lose some weight, but have been unsuccessful in the past, the Jenny Craig weight loss program gives you the tools to succeed.
With the Jenny Craig weight loss program, dieters can eat five meals each day. Each meal is created by experienced nutritionists and chefs, giving dieters a delicious meal that will help them to achieve their weight loss goals without much effort. Dieters can choose their favourite meals from more than 65 different meal options; this way, your weight loss journey stays exciting.
To ensure weight loss is achieved, Jenny Craig members can meet with their personal consultant once a week; this can be done in the local Jenny Craig centre or from the comfort of your own home. With the help of this personal consultant, and a refreshed menu every week, dieters can achieve their weight loss goals, despite failed diets in the past.
For more information about Jenny Craig and their weight loss programs, visit Jenny Craig.
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