swedish massage

Nature Care College: Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage provides the perfect balance of underpinning massage theory and hands-on practice, with professional, experienced trainer instruction, demonstration and guidance.

From making a massage assessment, to providing a massage treatment and the correct use of laying towels for draping during the massage treatment, Swedish Massage will have you confident in the basics of massage by the end of this short course.

Enjoy learning to provide a general massage treatment as you gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental techniques applied to the soft tissues of the body in Massage, and the practice and theory of these.

You will also explore ethical behaviour and boundaries, when massage shouldn’t be used and take a look at the history and definition of massage.

Whether you are wishing to explore the world of Massage to see if a career as a Massage Therapist is something you would like to pursue, are commencing your course to become a Massage Therapist or Sports Therapist, or would like to be able to provide a basic, relaxing massage to friends and family – Swedish Massage is the short course for you!

Study options: Join us on campus in Sydney.

Keiran Mackin

Keiran Mackin

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