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What is Codex?

What is Codex Alimentarius and will these prospective new food rules affect our access to nutritional supplements and herbal remedies?


Yoga for creativity

If your creativity is lacking, don’t despair. Fuel your creative fire by restoring and building on your energy reserves.


Yoga and your menstrual cycle

Menstruation is a time of intuition and deep insight. Gentle yoga asanas will take the discomfort and stress out of menstruation so you can embrace the reflective energy and just be with yourself.


How to take care of your hypertension

Hypertension affects over a quarter of all Australians and can lead to serious repercussions if left unchecked. Through yoga and Ayurveda, there are simple ways to alleviate this stress.


How to heal with flower essences

Flower essences have been used for the last five centuries. From emotional balancing to releasing resentment – there is a flower essence that can help you achieve clarity in your life.

body yoga

A flexible pregnancy?

Take time to stretch, breathe, relax and meditate during your pregnancy. This is the perfect way to create a positive pregnancy for yourself and your baby.

lighten load

Lift your spirits with yoga

Each time you step onto your yoga mat you are doing something not only for your body but for your mind and your emotional well being.