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Farming in the future

Farming practices are undergoing some radical changes to cope with the needs of people and the planet.


Is soy really good for you?

Is soy a superfood or the devil in your diet? WellBeing explores the facts about this increasingly popular food.


How to assess the feng shui of a home

Feng Shui is a bit like ‘house astrology’. It’s a way of calculating what will happen in a person’s life when living in a certain house or working in a particular place.


How to use vastu shastra in your home

The ancient science of Vaastu Shastra utilises the natural benefits of the earth’s five basic elements to create a harmonious living space that is nurturing, uplifting and just right for you.

5 delicious and nutritious seaweed recipes by wholefood chef Pete Evans

Is seaweed a superfood?

Think seaweed is all washed up? Not so. This superfood offers high mineral content and health benefits that range from maintaining brain function to decreasing cholesterol and blood pressure.


How to manage blood sugar levels

Giving in to cravings for sweets can cause all sorts of health problems, but there are ways to help your body to deal with sugar more effectively.


The magic of Malaysia

The thick, knotted jungles of Malaysia and all of the brightly coloured wildlife found within offer the perfect respite from the modern world and a place in which you can truly find your centre.

ready set go

Ready, set, go!

A healthy body is the best place for your baby to grow. Your diet and fitness level can play a major part in influencing the health of your unborn child.


How to care for your hands

Keep your hands in perfect condition with a host of natural ingredients found in the kitchen and around the home.


Having difficulty getting pregnant?

Complementary therapies can assist with unexplained infertility. These techniques can assist in regulating the menstrual cycle, invigorating sperm and enhancing your entire body.