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Are omega-3 fatty acids better than omega-6?

It’s important to have a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in our diet. Excessive omega-6 has been shown to provoke inflammatory reactions. Keep reading for some great recipes to boost your omega-3 and lower your omega-6 intake!


Findhorn Foundation: A Scottish spiritual awakening

The Findhorn Foundation is a spiritual community in Northern Scotland that runs experiential spiritual retreat programs for beginners. Keep reading to see how one person’s anxiety transformed to a spiritual awakening.


What do colours mean? Part I

Every colour represents a set of emotions, a state of being – say, white which advocates freedom, purity and enlightenment. Preferences for colours reflect elements of our personality. Indeed, the psychology of colours is far more complex than what meets the eye.


How to eat healthy

As nutritionists update the recommended daily intakes for many foods, we break down the numbers and find out how you can eat the right amount of nutrients for a healthy life.


Wind power and the planet

Wind power creates more jobs per unit of energy generated than coal power and is the most viable of renewable sources. Power shortages might be averted if we utilise these forms of renewable energy.


Ocean therapy

The seven seas are more than just enormous bodies of saltwater. Discover the myriad therepeutic uses for this life-giving resource.

lighten load

Lift your spirits with yoga

Each time you step onto your yoga mat you are doing something not only for your body but for your mind and your emotional well being.