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What do colours mean? Part III

In this final article of our three-part series, we cover what your colour preferences reveal about your personality, looking specifically at green, pink, purple and orange.


China: the birthplace of Zen

Stunning scenes, soulful temples with kung fu monks and an enigmatic, inspiring culture are just some of the treasures awaiting travellers to China.


The folate debate

We all need adequate levels of folate all times during our lives but especially in early pregnancy.


Are you a vata-type?

The first in our three-part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess vata (air) in the body.


Finding the way to a meaningful life

From relationships to our workplaces and the way we travel, today’s research reveals money doesn’t hold as much currency as leading a meaningful life.


Are you a kapha-type?

Third in our three part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess kapha (water and earth) in the body.


The truth about dance

Dance can be a ritual, a means of celebration and a form of entertainment, but it can also be something more. In fact, dance is a mode of human expression that harnesses secrets of the universe!