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Redefining Success

The measure of success isn’t one size fits all. For some it is achieving goals; for others it’s the ability to be happy and content; and for another group, success is the chance to positively affect the people around them. How should we define success?

Alone and loving it!

I love this post on solitude. As an only child I’ve always found it easy to spend time by myself and as an adult I sometimes have to remind myself to maintain balance and also spend time with friends, interacting and enjoying the exchange of thoughts, stories and ideas instead of quietly thinking by myself. […]

Marriage or career for lasting happiness?

Which would you choose? This op-ed piece in the New York Times starts out with the example of Sandra Bullock who in the space of a week or so went from the high of winning a best actress Oscar, to the depths of despair upon finding out that her husband had had a number of […]


Kid’s Rules

Young children only recognise parental authority to set rules in certain areas of life.

World’s largest simultaneous massage – Australia now holds the record!

Boy, do I wish I had been in Daylesford, Victoria this morning. My sore legs could have benefitted from a rub down after last night’s jogging efforts! Earlier today Daylesford, undoubtedly Australia’s spa capital, broke the Guinness World Record for the largest ever simultaneous massage. Check out the image above, don’t you wish you were […]


Fathers and daughters

The experience of fatherhood is unique with as many different pathways as there are men to travel them. Even so, there are some things every dad should know about his daughter.


How to survive the financial crisis

The fear of dwindling finances is starting to affect many friends and family members. We don’t need to suffer, though, as there are ways to combat this anxiety and face the future with confidence.

simple meditation for newbies

I don’t think I’m alone in saying this, but I really struggle with meditation. What makes it worse is that every time I try to learn the skill, I get distracted, discouraged and give up. I’ve made feeble attempts a couple of times this year; I’ve read the first few pages of the book Hurry […]

Linky goodness

Need a diversion? Check out the sites that have been lifting our spirits this week. The World Needs all Kinds of MindsTemple Grandin suffers from autism and in her talk at the 2010 TED (Technology, Entertinment, Design) conference raises the point that this diagnosis should not be regarded as a negative, but as something to […]


Follow Your Bliss

Do you love the work you are doing? If not, you may be interested in finding out what your dharma, or life purpose, is. It is possible to craft your life to provide you with more joy and satisfaction every day.