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What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

In the past 20 years, modern science has confirmed that seasons do affect mood. SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, is prominent in the winter months during which there is a link between the decreased hours of sunlight and the occurrence of depression.

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How will the moon phases affect you?

New and Full moons are known as lunations. A New Moon is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. Use these periods to honour and acknowledge your purpose.

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Pluto and your personal evolution

Pluto is about our deep and highly personal evolution. Whenever Pluto’s energy is in your life, there is a sense of death and rebirth.


The magical Maleny

Maleny is situated in between Brisbane and Noosa. It has cast its spell over the hinterland with its mix of eco-tourism, arts, crafts and co-op approach to living.


The nappy wrap

One mum road tests wash’n’wear nappies to find out if the modern cloth nappy (MCNs)is the answer eco-conscious parents have been looking for.


Supplements as energy boosters!

Just as your car requires petrol to fuel its movement, your body uses food to produce energy. But if your diet isn’t providing the fuel you need, dietary supplements may be the energy boosters you’re looking for!