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The benefits of pregnancy after 40

Though modern medicine indicates there are risks associated with becoming a mother after 35, women who have been there and have the stretchmarks to prove it suggest there are many benefits to waiting until this magical time of life.


A life without child

The decision not to enter parenthood is rarely an easy one. Childless women, in particular, face the challenge of fitting into a society that expects them to become mothers. So how, within this context, can a woman make peace with her choice?

African Land Snail

Snail Pie beats Beef

Snail pie is not only a better source of protein than beef pie, it contains healthier fats and tastes better too!


What is an ecstatic birth?

Ecstatic birth has bonded mothers and babies in love and pleasure, and rewarded new mothers for their role in reproduction.


What ecopsychology can teach us about healing

Ecopsychology is a relatively new professional field linking ecology with psychology. It believes we can use the natural environment to heal our psyche while also helping heal the environment itself.


The facts on fats

Studies have revealed that there is a link between trans-fatty acids and breast cancer, which raises the questions: which fats are good for us and which are bad for us?


Having difficulty getting pregnant?

Complementary therapies can assist with unexplained infertility. These techniques can assist in regulating the menstrual cycle, invigorating sperm and enhancing your entire body.

loving birth

Give your baby a loving birth

The way your baby is treated at birth will impact on whether they reach their full potential. Learn about making your birthing room warm, with low lights and soft voices.