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Heal your sore muscles with epsom salts

Epsom salts aren’t just for nana and grandad, their pain-relieving qualities also leave your skin feeling incredibly soft, help your body to detox and replenish vital minerals such as magnesium, which most of us don’t have enough of.

Why am I suspicious of the things I see when I type natural weight-loss in to Google?

The Dark Mistress love/hates Google. It is a difficult relationship. I love it for the immediacy and I hate it for the user experience – in this case trawling through weight-loss pills, weight-loss Doctors in the middle of nowhere, American weight-loss ra ra, weight-loss teas, and the newest, latest Jason Clements “EXPLOSIVE approaches to weight-loss”. […]

woman smelling the air and her eyes are closed

Are you a sensitive person?

Are you able to pick up on subtle emotional vibes and are particularly attuned to the moods of others? If so, living in an insensitive world may make life a little exhausting for you, but there are ways to protect yourself and nurture your gifts.


Mothers and daughters

The intensity of the relationship between mother and daughter can be either magical or maddening, and always complex. Building a mutual sense of trust and understanding is the first step to deciphering mother-daughter dynamics.

Bodily efficiency.. just hold it in until your spreadsheet is done..

Human spreadsheet 7pm.. finally, as the cleaners arrive you finish… you haven’t peed for 8 hours, you’re parched, starving, and your back keeps that computer-curve for as you calmly pretend you aren’t dashing for the bathroom. Not that anyone would notice, because the sane people have gone home.


How to beat dry skin

Tried and tested every product but can’t seem to alleviate dry skin? The answer is much closer than you think!


The benefits of breastfeeding

Only half of Australian babies are still being breastfed at six months of age — a far cry from the two years recommended by the World Health Organization. So why aren’t more of our babies on the boob for longer?


Catching a yawn

Yawning has implications for children with autism and associated conditions.


Natural therapies for insomnia

Do you lie awake at night thinking about your day, wishing that you could fall asleep and wondering how long it will take? Give these natural therapies a try and stop counting sheep for good!