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Forest-friendly shopping

As consumers, our shopping choices can affect the future of unique ecosystems, such as the Amazon Basin. So, until further legislation is passed to protect the rainforests of the world, what should be left out of our shopping baskets?


Find happiness at work

As you spend a large part of your life working, it’s a good idea to understand how it affects you and how to protect yourself against any negative impacts.


Which diet is best?

By understanding what makes different diet regimes healthy or otherwise, you can pick and choose the best nutritional ideas to incorporate into your own eating style.


How to dine out, the healthy way

If you want to dine out without sacrificing your health or weight-loss progress, you need to learn to speed read a menu to recognise figure-friendly nutritious food.


Foods for healthy weight loss

Nature provides a cornucopia of flavoursome foods to help reduce appetite, kilojoules and weight while also protecting your health.


Pasta with lentil sauce

This recipe combines popular pasta with lovely lentils to create a densely nutritious and deeply satisfying winter-warming meal.


How to control comfort food cravings

Understanding the link between brain chemistry, emotions and cravings can help you develop effective strategies to reduce the urge to reach for comfort food.


Observing the art of dressing wells in England

The ancient practice of well dressing has links to the time of the plague and brings together pagan and Christian beliefs. Today, it allows the modern traveller in England direct participation in a centuries-old tradition.