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Elixir of Life’ Salad

Some foods activate our metabolism, some foods slow us down, some nourish our kidneys, others our heart or liver. So when I come up with a new recipe I usually try and add as many ingredients that are closest to their natural form and that are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants and ultimately have a positive impact on our bodies.


How to have an eco-friendly wedding

Need some inspiration on how to make sure your celebration won’t cost the earth? Here are some eco-friendly tips on how to create a day you won’t forget.


How to use supplements for detox

Walk into any health food store or pharmacy these days and you’re confronted with literally dozens of different detox kits, pills and potions. Just what do they all do and are how do you know which one is best for you?

Healthy Eating for Generation Y

Generation Y you face many challenges such as moving away from home, starting work or study. These changes in lifestyle can cause dietary changes that are not always conducive to healthy eating. Binge drinking, recreational drug taking and fast food all take their toll sooner than later. As does going to bed late, texting, on the computer for hours and sleep deprivation.


How to fight fungal infections

Recurrent fungal infections may be an indication that you need to make some positive changes to your lifestyle and skincare routine. Read on to find out which natural solutions can help solve this issue.


Eco-friendly fashion

Silky-smooth natural fibres made from plant materials are gaining a firm foothold in the clothing industry and, according to those in the know, it’s a green change for the better.


4 DIY detox tips

Our resident detox expert, naturopath Sally Mathrick, shares four of her favourite detox tips and recipes!


The planet on your plate

Did you know that changing your diet can help to reduce your carbon footprint? You don’t have to adopt a strict vegan diet to ensure our planet remains healthy.