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The simple life

5am starts, chanting, karma yoga and silence days are all part of the teaching methods used to turn yoga students into yoga teachers.


Vitamin E

Vitamin E protects the membrane of your body’s cells and has anti-ageing effects.

All i want for Christmas is..rock hard abs!

With Christmas time upon us, it’s very likely that many of your evenings and weekends are filled with festivities that involve eating, drinking and generally being merry. These social events can play havoc with your nutrition and exercise routine. The holiday season is a time to enjoy with family and friends, but you needn’t over-indulge.


Travel to Lord Howe Island

From mettle-testing mountain climbs to Ayurvedic massages, Lord Howe Island offers something to suit all tastes. It may even hold the secret to longevity, according to one visitor.


The population puzzle

Increasing numbers of people, including environmentalists, are tuning into the idea that human numbers may have reached an excessive level.


How to be a healthy vegetarian

A vegetarian lifestyle can improve health, decrease global warming and prevent 100 animals each year, per person, from unnecessary cruelty.


Healing herbs

Herbs have a wide array of actions that can help you in all aspects of your detoxification process


Food choices and the mind-body connection

How we choose to eat is at the epicentre of the mind-body connection. It is by acknowledging our emotions and being grounded that we become able to provide the nourishment our bodies really need.


Coconuts: the food of the gods

Coconut oil is a medium-chain fatty acid. This means it’s great to help energy production while at the same time speeding up the rate at which the body burns fat.


The Chakra System Your 7 Keys to Freedom

Whether we are conscious of them or not, we all have chakras – bright wheels of energy, spinning within our bodies. We have seven major chakras, and each of them has a different function and energy. And, while they exist within our bodies, their influence extends far beyond the physical. Your chakras influence the health of: