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protect your pearly whites

Protect your pearly whites

It’s easy to camouflage dental problems with modern technology, but the health of your mouth is paramount to the wellbeing of your whole body.


Eat to beat IBS

For many people with irritable bowel syndrome, it can feel like a life sentence. However, the right diet can banish the condition for good.


Living la vida local

The market economy is booming and by that we mean the farmers’ markets where every cent you spend goes back into your local economy. Isn’t it time you got to know your providores by name again?


Healthy healing strategies for injury prevention

Injuries are an ever-present possibility for someone undertaking a serious fitness program. Managing and preventing injuries are just as important as the exercise itself and, if you do it naturally, it can even be pleasant.


Encouraging spring plants

The air warms, the light turns golden and spring is on the horizon; it’s time to get started in the garden. Here’s how to get your seed and seedlings off to the best start, so they flourish in the warmer months