Genuine laughter can reduce susceptibility to pain and has social effects too.
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How you relate to and interact with your food can reach beyond nourishing your physical body. It has the power to enrich your spirit and elevate your soul.
Recently, while holidaying in Malaysia, I walked by an Ayurvedic clinic and started chatting with the owner. My skin is always something I’ve been fanatical with – probably because it’s always given me so much trouble. When the owner recommended I try Shirodhara, I didn’t need much convincing. I’ve always been fascinated with Ayurveda and had heard so much about the benefits this treatment offered.
Blaming others can make you sick and reduce your quality of life.
So you’ve been to the doctor and the recommendation is IVF. No doubt you will have many thoughts rushing through your mind. Taking hormones, needles in the stomach, nasal spray to create a temporary state of menopause. It is all pretty scary stuff.
Beetroot juice can improve cyclists’ performance.
n this series of articles of pregnancy related oral health, we explain what conditions are most likely to occur during pregnancy and how to avoid them or at least minimize their effect on your teeth and gums.Make your health, including your oral health, your priority during your pregnancy. Oral disease is transmissible so you owe it to yourself and to your family to stay healthy, fit and happy! Find out about common dental side-effects of pregnancy and how to protect yourself from complications.
Adding spice combats your body’s negative response to fatty meals.
When did you last get a health check-up? How is your hearing?
Breathing. Sounds pretty simple, a no brainer. But did you know that a lot of people don’t breathe correctly? To test your breathing take a look at a child around 2 and see how they are breathing. You’ll notice that their stomach expands as they breath in and that the movement goes from the stomach up to the lungs. Now look at how you breathe. Does your breath go down to your stomach or does it finish at your chest?
The desire for plastic surgery on your nose may be a sign of a mental disorder.
“Nothing external needs to change for you to have what you want… If you want to be happier – be happier. If you want to be more relaxed – relax. If you want more friends – be friendly. Sounds simple. It is.”