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The Chakra System Your 7 Keys to Freedom

Whether we are conscious of them or not, we all have chakras – bright wheels of energy, spinning within our bodies. We have seven major chakras, and each of them has a different function and energy. And, while they exist within our bodies, their influence extends far beyond the physical. Your chakras influence the health of:

Criticism why it’s so harmful

When people think of criticism, most think of either deliberate criticism (a blunt, hurtful, rude or judgmental comment made intentionally) or constructive criticism (a comment designed to ‘help’ you in some way with performance, behaviour, etc).

Let’s talk about sex

Before we do, my name is Matty Silver and I have been in private practice in Sydney for a number of years helping people with a wide variety of sexual health issues.


Your plate

Harvard researchers have come up with their guide to healthy eating.


Listen to the music

Musician’s hearing is affected by their chosen hobby but not in the way you might think.

Why does it hurt?… TMJ pain series

Pain associated with either TMJ or muscle dysfunction can vary from a very localized feeling of stiffness of the particular muscle on only one side, to a headache of epic proportions! You may not be able to open your mouth very wide, it may hurt to touch your face or to chew or you may […]


Thai-style cleansing

There are many different flavours to cleansing and detox. Learn about Koh Samui, Thailand’s cool, clear purity.

Ageing anxiety in men

Men would like us to think they are big strong creatures that don’t have a flicker of emotion, but we know that’s far from the truth. Anxiety in men, especially as they age is very common. Aging anxiety in men can arise from a variety of different things that can occur as they get older:


Eco Driving

You’ve heard of hybrid cars and ethanol-blended and diesel fuels, but what about other eco-friendly, auto-related alternatives experts are investigating or perfecting as we speak?