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Introduction to Homeopathic Provings

Proving, or experimentation with remedies on healthy individuals, is a third principle and a must for any medicinal science. Hahnemann gave detailed instructions for provings in his Aphorisms 105-114. He was the first to introduce the concept of scientific experiments on medicinal substances as a basis for prescribing  with them. From ancient times until well […]

Pay attention if you are Vitamin D deficient

Did you know that a Vitamin D deficiency can make you very ill? Did you know it is a very important vitamin for your health and if your blood test says you are deficient then you must take the correct amount of supplement to stay healthy?

Apis 30c

A Client came in with her 4 year old son who presented with a tick on his thyroid gland that was red, swollen and sligthly warm to touch. Naturally the mother was concerned about the swollen gland obstructing his breathing pathway and so enlisted the help of her homeopath. There were no apparent systemic findings; he had […]


Jamie Oliver: Making a positive difference

Jamie Oliver is a phenomenon in the world of food. He is one of the world’s best-loved television personalities and has inspired people to spend more time enjoying being in the kitchen – and even start growing their own food!

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Earth

Imagine if you could help reduce the pollution in the world and at the same time assist in maintaining healthy ecosystems worldwide.  Are you interested? First of all lets look at the issues that you directly have control over. The chemicals that we ingest for pain relief, cholesterol control, maintaining blood pressure diabetes and chemotherapy […]


Toddler taming

Toddler tantrums might be caused by a specific parenting style.

We want to have a baby so why isn’t it happening?

Couples often get disheartened when after the huge decision to have a baby they find that pregnancy is just not happening. They may have found the house, have stable jobs, are part of the way paying off the mortgage and if any time was right to fall pregnant it would be now… but despite the best of efforts it just does not occur.


Cry breast

Breastfeeding is wonderful for baby but there may be a small downside for parents.