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touchy person

Why some people are so touchy

Ever noticed how some people are touchy and can react easily to even the smallest thing? This might be a comment from someone, being too busy or little events that happen to us all like traffic, spilling our coffee, losing a document and so on.


Love in the new millennium

Love in the new millennium is complicated – you need to use your head and your heart. So what are the new dating rules and where do you find romance?

5 Dentistry Myths- Busted!

Most of my clients are educated 25-45 year olds, employed in some of our top companies and doing pretty well in life. They have visited most of the world’s countries, often tracking through some less travelled terrains, explored all the wonders of the world, yet, it seems the world’s only remaining mysteries are all in one place: their own mouths!

jo pilates

Joe Pilates: core values

Corrective exercise, such as that offered by Pilates, is one of the best ways to build a strong, healthy body. Find out if Pilates is right for you and try a few exercises at home.


Happy hearts

A happy disposition is protection against heart and blood vessel disease.


5 steps to motivation

Find your motivation to get fit and read case studies of how others, just like you, tried and succeeded!

Time To Play

It’s play time!

A life devoid of play hinders your ability to connect with others and identify with your true self, often leaving you feeling numb, as if on auto-pilot. Learn about yourself and connect better with others by rediscovering the vitality and joy of play.


The new nose job

Chin reconstruction beats breast enhancement and nose jobs as the fastest growing plastic surgery.


Any-age beauty

Is beauty past 30 a myth? Each age brings unprecedented experience and joy, so why cling to only one?


6 reasons to increase your fitness

Why bother getting fit? Because fitness impacts on everything, from your body to your hormones to your brain. Read on for more reasons to get moving.