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Autoimmune diseases are on the rise

Autoimmune diseases are on the increase. They are caused by numerous factors such as environmental pollutions, neglected lifestyle, genetic factors just to name a few. A healthy lifestyle, reducing inflammation, pain and stress management are some natural ways to handle it.

Food is sacred spirituality. How does food affect you?

Food is a sacred spirituality. How does it affect you?

Food is our life source. The food we eat impacts in every area of our lives even though sometimes we are not aware of this. The food we eat can affect us on all levels – energetically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Young woman sitting at table in cafe looking at phone being unhappy

Endometriosis — finding solutions naturally

Some women suffer with endometriosis without actually knowing it. Often the pain and symptoms are mistaken as part of premenstrual syndrome, more commonly known as PMS. Symptoms can be varied and treatment either mainstream medically or naturally needs to be under the care of a trained professional.

How to adopt an attitude of gratitude

How to adopt an attitude of gratitude

Gratitude is important. By stopping and really taking the extra time to really appreciate and show gratitude we increase our positivity, raise our vibration and alter our perspective to make our life happier.

Open up and feel joy

How to beat mortality

Stop….and savour with gratitude the beauty of that Christmas card, the gift, the tree, the dinner, the phone call from a friend, the smile of the girl at the checkout as she says ‘Merry Christmas’. Hang your heart and ears for a moment on the hello and goodbye of the person you are speaking to on the phone and savour the beauty of that exchange…as if it was forever.

Meditation and its effects on gut health and that of your skin

Private: Are you making the best of your life?

Don’t let the sun set on an argument. Don’t kick your heels in and butt heads. Your life is too short and whilst some believe we live on many planes of existence, the only real place for you as you read this, is this physical plane and they are the hugs you will remember the best.

Is anxiety ruining your life?

Anxiety – Is it Ruining your life?

Feeling occasionally anxious is a normal response to some events in our life. It is only when it stops you enjoying everyday things, affects your work, your relationships, and causes you to take up addictive behaviours or to withdraw that it needs for you to take it in hand and develop new tools to address the issue.

Woman ocean spirit

The energy centres of Kabbalah

Kabbalah likens the body to a tree with 10 energy centres called Sephirots, similar to how energies flow through the chakras.


Success — a touch of reminiscence

Success means different things to different people. What does it mean to you to be successful? Does it involve being rich? Do you yearn for Oprah fame? Or would you rather know that you have raised beautiful, healthy children?