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The eco-renovation revolution

Meet three couples who are renovating their homes to make them more sustainable. Discover how thoughtful eco-renovation can be better for the planet and save you money long-term.

Pexels Torsten Dettlaff 619944

Pet eye disorders

We take an in-depth look at the eyes of dogs and cats and how to check the health of your pet at home.


3 beauty-boosting recipes

Enjoy three delicious recipes using beauty-boosting foods such as quinoa, pistachios and other nuts and seeds.


Why children thrive in the outdoors

As our children spend more time indoors in front of screens, they’re missing out on the health and wellbeing benefits of the great outdoors.


Using lemon balm for calm

Lemon balm could be considered a food, but it’s calming qualities are so widely known that it is used extensively in supplements.


Instant energy boosters

When you don’t have time for a break to recharge your batteries, you need some quick-fix energy boosters.


Where the wild things are

As human activity threatens extinction for many animal species, “rewilding” is a movement aimed at establishing biodiversity to save these creatures.