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Understanding life in death

Most people fear what death will hold. But as we reflect and consider spiritual texts, we realise that it is only in death that life can be clearly understood.


Are you a kapha-type?

Third in our three part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess kapha (water and earth) in the body.

stress_adrenal exhaustion_welbeingcomau

Achieving balance and avoiding adrenal exhaustion

Are you someone who keeps on going even when you’re exhausted? Are you getting messages to slow down but are not listening to them? It’s possible you may be addicted to stress and could be heading for adrenal exhaustion


Saving the orangutan

The orangutan was once found across South-East Asia including in China and Vietnam and Cambodia, but their survival has been threatened since the mid-1970s as human impacts have reduced their habitats to the islands of Sumatra and Borneo.


How to reach success

How to use your imagination as your Internal Guide to help you keep your personal definition of success in sight.


The truth about dance

Dance can be a ritual, a means of celebration and a form of entertainment, but it can also be something more. In fact, dance is a mode of human expression that harnesses secrets of the universe!


Is your life how you want it to be?

Everybody wants to be happier, healthier and gain a greater sense of wellbeing. Yet how do you achieve this when other people have so many expectations of you and you are bombarded with so much advice on how to live?


What do colours mean? Part I

Every colour represents a set of emotions, a state of being – say, white which advocates freedom, purity and enlightenment. Preferences for colours reflect elements of our personality. Indeed, the psychology of colours is far more complex than what meets the eye.


Sound thinking

Sound is often a background noise in our daily lives but are we taking it for granted? Could sound be the primordial creative source from which all life has manifested?