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What’s your creativity style?

For a little guidance on how to access your creative spirit, look to your own Sun sign to bring some play back into your life.

a healthy body

What is a healthy body?

What does it mean to have a healthy body? An author once said that, “Health is merely the slowest way someone can die.” Is this how you look at your health and wellbeing? If it is, then what about those  individuals who have lost the enthusiasm needed to make a full contribution to their life […]


Yoga for kids

Yoga for children is different to adult yoga, but it still provides many spiritual, mental and physical benefits.


Say farewell to frenemies

When a friendship feels like it is dragging you down instead of lifting you up, it’s time to decide whether you want to fix it or end it.


Feeding a hungry garden

Gardens do best when they’re allowed to recycle, so hold on to your lawn clippings and discover how best to feed your garden.


Regulus and a time for change

When the Royal Star Regulus moves through a sign the effect can be felt in grand ways. What will happen now it has moved into Virgo?


Half-past truth

Morality and truth-telling varies according to what time of day it is.


How your mouth affects your posture

Poor body posture is often associated with chronic back and neck pain, but did you know that the mouth can be a major cause? My earliest memories on posture come from primary schooling. Our teachers reprimanded us to “sit up straight” in class as though our slouching was a sign of nefarious intentions. For the […]


Learn to say “yes” to money

Money is a topic charged with high emotion. It’s our currency for life’s most desirable experiences and the trappings of our Western brand of modernity.

The meaning of driving a car in a dream

The meaning of driving a car in a dream

When you dream about someone driving a car, you are in really rich territory to start understanding some of the fundamentals at work in your life.  Driving a car in dreams can reveal thoughts and feelings about who or what is controlling your life, how in or out of control you feel, and how clear […]