Coffee consumption may be linked to reduced breast cancer recurrence.
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Vegetarian diets are linked to lower rates of colorectal cancer.
A component in chilli can act to reduce cell proliferation in colon cancer.
Research discovers a metabolic mechanism by which green tea works against cancer cells.
Bad cholesterol may contribute to the spread of cancer in the body.
Grape seed extract can help during chemotherapy for colon cancer.
Qi gong exercises can relieve fatigue in prostate cancer survivors.
Omega-3 fatty acids from marine sources can prevent breast cancer.
Our anti-ageing expert Dr Michael Elstein looks at current cancer screening options plus preventative measures you can take.
A compound from parsley, celery, and chamomile tea kills off cancer cells.
Grape seed extract inhibits the growth of colorectal cancer cells.
Coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of mouth and throat cancer.