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spiritual hug

Do hugs have healing power?

Being hugged and reciprocating a hug has immeasurable benefits for health and wellbeing. It’s time to hug it out!


Do drugs lead to happiness?

Depression is conventionally treated with drugs and recreational drugs also generate emotional “highs”, but how do these drug-induced states relate to happiness?


How to shift the shame

The emotional elephant in the room, shame can hold you back from taking risks and feeling confident and whole.


Break the cycle of stress addiction

If you can’t say no and overfill your schedule because being busy is a point of honour, you could be addicted to stress. Here’s how to manage your addiction.

kale are good for the ageing brain

Folate and folic acid: friend or foe?

Although foods have been fortified with folic acid for some time, concerns have recently been raised about its safety and a new “natural” form is being used.


How to raise mindful children

Mindfulness is an increasingly popular choice in the fields of parenting, education and therapy, creating opportunities for self-discovery and, ultimately, self-knowledge.

Homeopathy for autism

Homeopathy for autism

Autism is often referred to as a genetic disease, but there may be actions we can take to prevent it in our children.


Ageing in a can

People who drink soft drinks regularly age more rapidly at the cellular level.