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19140311 - athlete running sport feet on trail healthy lifestyle fitness

Have you tried trail therapy?

Running through the wilds is a simple way to combine a runner’s high with nature’s therapeutic benefits. Throw in the social aspects of a running group and you’ve get the ideal remedy for stress, anxiety and depression.

Janella Purcell

A Q&A with Janella Purcell

Well-known naturopath, nutritionist and chef, Janella Purcell, talks to us about health, wellbeing and the importance of rest.

Retreat Centre

Discover Wellineux Urban Retreat

Whether you’re an executive looking to improve your leadership skills or ready kick-start a new healthy lifestyle, Wellineux will work closely with you to tailor your experience to the outcomes you hope to achieve.

Harira Soup

5 healing recipes from chef Pete Evans

Sustaining spices have medicinal properties you can add to your food and as little as half a teaspoon a day may cause measurable changes in your body. Pete Evans shows us how in these simple, delicious recipes.