Michael Elstein weighs up pharmaceuticals and vitamins.
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vitamin d
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An essential serum for all skin types. Containing high levels of the active ingredient, Vitamin B3 (niacinamide), this formula is designed to rejuvenate the skin, enhancing skin clarity and luminosity. Designed to strengthen skin against a broad range of skin conditions such as dryness, pigmentation and excess sebum.
Not only do eggs add flavour to a salad, they enhance the salad in other ways as well.
Could B vitamins be propelling us into the abyss of obesity? That’s what scientists say.
Vitamin E has been shown to slow free-radical damage that results in premature ageing of the skin, while offering innumerable health benefits.
Vitamin E can slow the progression of early stage Alzheimer’s Disease.
B vitamins can protect your blood vessels and reduce risk of stroke.
Vitamin C can reduce spasm of the bronchioles, and asthma, when exercising.
A series of scientific surprises show vitamin C can kill off tuberculosis.
Vitamin C is most useful in preventing colds in people who are under stress.
The smart money suggests we should jettison our vitamin-taking habits, as these might only jeopardise our health. Is this the case?
Multivitamin use can cut cancer risk in men.