High intensity exercise three times a week delays the progression of Parkinson’s symptoms.
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A new study shows aerobic exercise can maintain brain health and improve memory function as we age.
There is a need for mental health providers to include exercise in their treatment plan for better mental health outcomes.
A regular exercise programme can help women with breast cancer achieve better cardiovascular health and quality of life.
Regular physical activity and stress reduction techniques can benefit lupus patients in the long run.
Offering an incentive does not have a lasting effect on gym visits and on the commitment to exercise, study shows.
Our expectations can affect how strenuous we find exercise. However, belief in the right product makes a difference.
Study shows that women can outlast men in dynamic muscles exercises and in everyday physical movements.
Exercise in mid-life is not associated to cognitive fitness in later years as established by other previous studies.
Exercise helps prevent cognitive decline and researchers now examine how exercise brain metabolism.
Have you hit that mid-morning or mid-afternoon slump? Learn a simple breathing technique to boost your energy levels.
Negative body image in women can be reversed with just 30 minutes of exercise.