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5 ways to care for your eyes naturally

Your eyes are often called the windows to your soul and, as human beings, we use our eyes to perceive the world and communicate thoughts and feelings. Our eyes send more unconscious social signals and communicate more about ourselves than any words we may utter. Yet eyes also perform vital physical functions so it is important to keep them healthy.

Natural ways to boost your immunity and fight colds

Natural ways to boost your immunity and fight colds

Infections such as cold and flu are part of life but they can also be life-threatening. We are all exposed to the viruses that cause these conditions but it is your immune system that determines how you are affected. As we approach winter, here are some natural ways to boost your immunity and fight colds and flu.

Join the fight against fast fashion for a better planet

Do you want to fight fast fashion? Here’s how to get started

When you visit your closet, are garments threatening to spill out onto the floor? You’re not alone. In recent years, concerns have been raised over excessive consumption of clothing, two thirds of it synthetic, and the environmental impacts from this voracious demand for new clothes.

Take the trip of a lifetime with Journeys of the Spirit

Explore with Journeys of the Spirit

Bringing people together to explore the beauty and diversity of nature creates deep connections, something so many of us long for. Journeys of the Spirit cultivates just that; a unique wellness holiday, spiritual journey and travel experience for individuals and small groups where reconnection is at the heart.

Finding freedom and adventure in the Austrian Alps

Finding freedom in the Austrian Alps

An escape to the Austrian Alps is a sure-fire way to disconnect from your everyday life and reconnect with nature, with the lush mountains acting as a buffer against the outside world.

Discover the magic of birdwatching with WellBeing

Discover the magic of bird watching

Birdwatching is a diverse and enriching activity. Take in the sights, sounds and scenery of your natural surrounds and immerse yourself in the magic of discovery.