Analysis has revealed more than malaria killed Egyptian Pharaoh, Tutankhamun.
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Rates of autism are on the rise. Yet, where once the condition was seen as a psychiatric disorder, a biomedical approach is proving dietary intervention can be the basis of real change for this troubling condition.
HypnoBirthing provides a method and philosophy of preparation and birthing that aims to reduce, and sometimes remove, the pain associated with childbirth, allowing women to fully appreciate the miracle that it is.
Feel like life is passing you by? Ritual allows the opportunity to stop and appreciate the different passages of life. Discover the importance of experiencing rituals and gain a better understanding of who you are.
Not only are dolphins amazing to watch, but these pacific pin-ups have incredible brains and social skills to match their beauty. Discover the healing influence these doctor dolphins are having on people worldwide
Homoeopathic remedies work on the emotions of the child and go to the root of the problem, unlike pharmaceuticals that may merely suppress symptoms.
The problems with plastic are both environmental and health-related. Learn how to reduce your exposure and protect the planet from these common but toxic chemicals.
Discover how to avoid blindly falling in love with an incompatible mate and instead ascend in love with the soulmate of your dreams.
One of the most enduring aspects of Sufism is its poets and poetry. Every thought and action is sacred and this is the time to realise there is nothing but grace.
The Minangkabu is the largest continuous matriarchy in the world. Under the auspices of the matrilineal system, the mother/child bond forms the basis of society.
Looking beneath the surface can teach you a lot about your shadow self and help heal bad relationships.
An Eastern approach to what causes asthma and how to treat it through yoga, food and nutrition and other natural remedies.