Cayenne pepper (chilli) can reduce your appetite, especially if you don’t eat it often.
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A mum’s exposure to some pesticides can affect their child’s IQ.
I met so many fascinating people at the Vegan Expo in Sydney over the weekend who live a vegan lifestyle and embrace the benefits of it – from effortless weight loss, reversal of diseases, increased environmental responsibility and spiritual awareness (just to name a few) – it was truly eye opening for me to meet such enthusiasts and it left an impression on me. So I wanted to put myself to the test to see how I could bring these added benefits to my life. Good bye meat, fish, milk, eggs – or anything that comes from an animal – for a full week.
Although brain cells decrease as we get older research shows that learning a new language as an adult uses regions we don’t normally use and causes the brain to work harder.
My plan for this week’s breakfast incorporates foods shown to keep brain cells healthy and stave cognitive decline, including berries, nuts, olive oil, wholegrain, fish, and more—all power nutrients great for your whole body too. Your memory, attention span, and ability to learn will benefit from the healthful foods you’ll be choosing!!
Exercise is not only good for your body but your brain as well.
Fasting can cleanse your physical and mental self providing access to your subtle and spiritual aspects.
As life expectancy increases people are less inclined to get involved in organised religion.
The benefits of juice detox programs and how to distinguish the truth from the many claims.
Blueberry polyphenols cut fat cells and reduce fat content.
This article focuses on how to release toxins from the physical body caused by mental and emotional imbalance using the modalities of yoga and Ayurveda
Tai Chi and Green Tea build bones, cut inflammation and have anti-ageing effects for middle-aged women.