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Are vitamins vital?

The smart money suggests we should jettison our vitamin-taking habits, as these might only jeopardise our health. Is this the case?


Give up sugar and change your life

Sugar is in everything in some way or another. It is in food naturally and also added to food as a sweetener or preservative. Especially in processed, canned or packet foods the amount of sugar (and sodium) are especially high. This is because they need the product to last on a shelf for 12 months and it is often high even in savoury products.


10 steps to fitness

Getting physically fit requires motivation and it generates emotional and spiritual renewal. Here are 10 steps to follow for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fitness.


Emphysema can kill you so stop smoking now!

Emphysema is not curable and can limit your lifestyle although modern medicine can make the disease tolerable and if you are diagnosed early you may even be able to minimize the symptoms. However, the world is in an epidemic of emphysema and chronic bronchitis which make up what is called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

How business coaching is revolutionising the natural therapy industry

Building a successful natural therapy practice starts with the right knowledge. Business coaching can revitalise the natural therapy industry by helping more practices to ‘heal’ their businesses. The natural therapy industry is competitive. Holistic medicine, naturopathy and naturopathic medicine are just a few of the names used. As the population ages, and non-traditional medicine gains […]


Why you should go GM free

Genetically modified foods are said by some to be the answer to the future, while others see them as putting that future at risk.


How to create the ideal office

The environment of an office, whether at home or at work, can have a profound effect on productivity. Here are some tips to help make your surroundings as supportive as possible.