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Sexual healing

Sexual gratification can assist ageing but sexual frustration is bad for your health.


Sleep lean

A regular sleeping pattern helps to keep the weight off.


Yoga for kids

Yoga for children is different to adult yoga, but it still provides many spiritual, mental and physical benefits.


Crowded happiness

Being in a crowd can make you happy depending on which one of your “personalities” is in play.


Movement disorders and the mouth

Australians who suffer with movement disorders frequently experience involuntary and unpleasant bodily movements such as tremors, an abnormal posture and difficulty walking. In some cases it even affects their speech.  This blog will discuss how your mouth can play a vital role in various movement disorders. There are some conditions that can be greatly improved […]


Say farewell to frenemies

When a friendship feels like it is dragging you down instead of lifting you up, it’s time to decide whether you want to fix it or end it.


Gut feelings

Probiotic bacteria in your digestive system can be used to treat depression.