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Sage: A Healing Herb with Diverse Benefits. Explore its rich history & therapeutic uses, from cognitive enhancement to cardiovascular health.

Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667 (78)

Selective spices

Discover the health benefits of turmeric, cinnamon, chilli, pepper, ginger and rosemary and find some delicious recipes to inspire.

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Oceans of minerals

Mining our ocean depths for minerals to power a clean energy economy is being touted as a more sustainable method than land-based mining. Yet there are also critics of the marine method, so what is the truth about deep-sea mining?

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Fenugreek has been used as a food and a medicine for at least 6000 years and it has positive effects on everything from blood sugar to libido.

mv skin therapy

The Beauty Rebel – Sharon McGlinchey

For 23 years, Sharon McGlinchey has been on a quest to create organic, natural skin care with an honest and transparent approach. The founder of MV Skintherapy thinks of herself as a passionate chef, blending the world’s most powerful, precious and pure ingredients – all of which work holistically to transform skin and nourish our senses.