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How to talk to your children about the difference between secrets

How to talk to your child about secret keeping

Secrets are inevitable, but how do you know which secrets are good or bad for kids? We navigate the rocky waters of secret keeping and explore how to negotiate this delicate dance with your children.

Here's everything you need to know about raising a shy child

Here’s everything you need to know about raising a shy child

While there are wonderful qualities to being shy, it doesn’t come without its challenges. Especially when you’re a parent bearing witness to your child’s shyness. Here’s how you can help them live in an extroverted world while still honouring who they are.

9 healthy habits to adopt right now to improve your sleep patterns

9 healthy habits to improve your sleep

Sleep is such a crucial element to good health yet it’s one of the first things to fall to the wayside when life gets busy. It’s time to prioritise your slumber and find your sleep “sweet spot”.

A Q and A with Sujata Rama from travel company Abercrombie and Kent

A Q&A with Sujata Rama from Abercrombie & Kent

Passionate about seeing the world and experiencing its cultures, Sujata Rama has lived on three continents and travelled to all seven. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent, where she has been the managing director for 10 years.

The Stoic theory and how it be used to ease anxiety

5 ways Stoicism can help ease anxiety

Anxiety is epidemic in the modern digital age but it is far from an exclusively modern problem. Anxiety is part of the human condition and humans have sought to deal with it for as long as we have had self-awareness. That is why the ancient philosophical tradition of Stoicism has a lot of practical advice for those who are overly anxious.

Loneliness and how we can rebuild our lost connections

Loneliness and how we can rebuild our lost connections

Our sense of loneliness is increasing in the developed world, with negative repercussions for our mental, physical, social and economic wellbeing. Given we no longer live in villages, nor can we turn back the clock, what can we do to restore our lost communities?