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What is your heart age?

Although you can’t change your genetic predisposition or age-related factors that can lead to heart disease, you can take steps to control the other factors that can contribute.


Pasta al-pollard

Researchers may have found a way to make pasta healthier and yet maintain its taste.


Healing herbs

Herbs have a wide array of actions that can help you in all aspects of your detoxification process


Coconuts: the food of the gods

Coconut oil is a medium-chain fatty acid. This means it’s great to help energy production while at the same time speeding up the rate at which the body burns fat.


Thai-style cleansing

There are many different flavours to cleansing and detox. Learn about Koh Samui, Thailand’s cool, clear purity.


The fat hormone

Insulin may be the culprit of weight gain and the inability to lose fat. Discover why and how to lower insulin levels.

Sugar… The Bitter Sweet

As I sat yesterday pouring through my notes on sugar and its evils; I was trying to find a simple way to explain all of those big terms, fancy molecular diagrams to give you all a clearer picture of why sugar should be one of the first substances to be eliminated