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Looking after your colon and bowel

How many of you are aware that way back in 2006 John Hopkins University showed that a combination of Curcumin and Quercetin greatly reduces the size and number of colorectal polyps?


Your guide to natural brain boosters

When you really need to perform mentally for an exam or a presentation at work, there are natural ways to make sure your brain is firing on all cylinders.


Alzheimer’s disease

Coffee drinking in midlife decreases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

Keeping fit while you travel

Travel is fun and exciting but whether it’s for business or pleasure it can take its toll on your fitness levels.


We all know too well the experiences of being ‘hormoanal’! Each month us ladies go on our emotional rollercoaster and partners, families and colleagues are most likely testament to this ride.


How to stimulate your metabolism

Say goodbye to temporary weight loss methods and boost your metabolism with stimulating foods, exercise and some well-though-out lifestyle changes.

Breakfasts To Boost Brainpower – 1 Week Menu

My plan for this week’s breakfast incorporates foods shown to keep brain cells healthy and stave cognitive decline, including berries, nuts, olive oil, wholegrain, fish, and more—all power nutrients great for your whole body too. Your memory, attention span, and ability to learn will benefit from the healthful foods you’ll be choosing!!

Sex, lies and stereotypes

Is sushi and sake the key to living a long life?

The Japanese diet includes foods with very low cholesterol content and is practically free from the saturated “bad” fats abundantly present in red meat, dairy produce and butter. Instead, the Japanese diet is predominantly seafood; fish, rich in polyunsaturated “good” fats, and seaweeds that contain high amounts of iodine as well as minerals which are both healthy and create the Japanese unrivalled flavours.