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6 reasons to increase your fitness

Why bother getting fit? Because fitness impacts on everything, from your body to your hormones to your brain. Read on for more reasons to get moving.


Sugar tax

A sugar tax may improve the health of society.


Why you should include running in your exercise program

If images of pounding the pavement and painful stitches have kept you from including running in your regular exercise program, it’s time to dust off your sneakers and tighten your laces; there is joy to be found in this moving meditation.


What is your heart age?

Although you can’t change your genetic predisposition or age-related factors that can lead to heart disease, you can take steps to control the other factors that can contribute.

What does having an apple

Do you have an apple, pear, banana or avocado body shape? These shapes can actually reveal a surprising amount of information when it comes to what areas of your health you need to look out for. Here is a quick overview of the body shapes. What shape (or fruit) are you?

Dental Hygienists

Just like we trust nutritionists and personal trainers to help us stay fit, we trust Hygienists to do the same with our mouths. I like to call Hygienists “dental fitness coaches”. They really are your personal trainers when it comes to having a healthy mouth and we are very proud to have one on our team!