
Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667 2024 04 04t154337.940

Asparagus, Fennel & Spinach Soup with Toasted Pepitas

This soup combines their flavours beautifully and is a unique affair that will linger hours after consumption. The crunchy pepitas, cheesy nutritional yeast flakes and fresh herbs on top offer a special little adornment that will heighten your joy factor while embellishing a lovely light lunch.

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Beauty Secrets From Around The Globe

Amid a booming beauty industry, age-old wisdom is often forgotten. We embark on a global odyssey through the enchanting tapestry of natural beauty rituals to uncover the very best beauty-enhancing secrets.

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Revamp your health and wellbeing with a new daily ritual

Elevate Your Daily Routine with Magnesium Supplements: Boost Energy, Reduce Stress, and Improve Sleep. Learn More!

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5 Herbs to fight fungi

Our personal and planetary ecosystems depend on fungi to flourish. However, when the mould monster takes over, it can pose a serious health hazard.


Understanding the hidden dangers of mould

Mould, a common yet often underestimated household intruder, can have profound implications for your health and wellbeing. From the unsightly spots on the walls to the musty odours that permeate the air, mould signifies more than just a cosmetic concern. How bothered should you be by mould and how can you get rid of it?

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Oceans of minerals

Mining our ocean depths for minerals to power a clean energy economy is being touted as a more sustainable method than land-based mining. Yet there are also critics of the marine method, so what is the truth about deep-sea mining?

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Mothers Day For Those Also With Mums In Heaven

Mothers Day – for those also with mums in Heaven

Is there a favourite beach or park your mother used to take you as a child? Go there, reminisce. Write ‘mum I love you’ in the sand. She lives on in your heart and I am sure her sound advice given in love sometimes still echoes in your ears.

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Between the Capes

A dream destination for holidaymakers who don’t fancy the schlep overseas, Margaret River offers the tourist’s holy trinity: fine wine, great food and a bewitching coastline. One of only seven Australian regions with an eco certification, it’s impossible not to fall in love with WA’s coolest destination.

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Running Drills

Running is a popular form of exercise but also a great way to improve overall wellbeing. Whether you are an experienced runner or just starting out, incorporating running drills into your training routine can greatly enhance your running performance and promote a healthier lifestyle.

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Breaking Out of Prison: The Search For Humane Pathways

In some instances, imprisonment is a tool of punishment that serves neither an offender nor society. Around the world more productive ways are being sought as ways to deal with perpetrators of crime.

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Plant-based goodness

Plantein brings Australian-made, plant-based protein products to food lovers who are after more than the usual veggie burger options. Plantein’s mission is to provide consumers with meat-free choices that are better for the planet and better for you — without compromising on flavour.

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Plantein Tenders with Sweet Chilli Soba Noodles

Plantein’s mission is to provide consumers with meat-free choices that are better for the planet and better for you!

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Sweet Chilli Tender Caesar Slaw Tacos

Plantein’s mission is to provide consumers with meat-free choices that are better for the planet and better for you!

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Mediterranean Winter Roast

Plantein’s mission is to provide consumers with meat-free choices that are better for the planet and better for you!

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Nifty Noodle

Perhaps the world’s favourite food, the humble noodle is rarely the star of the dish, but its universal appeal is worth celebrating. From perfect ramen to crowd-pleasing spaghetti bolognese, there is a lot you can do with these versatile strands.

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Pet-friendly Herb Gardens

Cultivate a pet-friendly garden with healing aloe, calendula, lavender, and dandelion. Consult your vet for safety.


Opening The Chest And Shoulders

In a screen-focused world, hunched shoulders are causing physical ailments and limiting mental capacity. This yoga sequence recalibrates the chest and shoulders for better physical posture and clear pathways for energy to flow freely.

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What to eat for balanced emotions

Research shows that your plate holds the key to a brighter, more balanced mind, opening vital new roads to mental health treatment. We explore the burgeoning world of nutritional psychiatry, where feelings and flavours converge.