Your senses hold the key to a longer, more fulfilling life. These tips will ensure they function optimally for years to come.
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A journey into Lijiang , a time-locked town and culture now enjoyed by a growing number of tourists fascinated by the Naxi way of life.
How old are you really? Take a look at these useful biomarkers to find out how you are going in the anti aging fight.
Are there harmful ingredients present in the products you feed your skin, your body’s largest, living organ?
Anti aging tips: mounting evidence shows free radicals may help your body as well as cause harm.
Hawaii has a culture of healing, purification and forgiveness. The spectacular weather coupled with the “slowing of time” make for a perfect setting to renew the soul.
Getting to bed after midnight or lying in too late in the morning? Then your body may not be getting enough sleep to repair cells, boost immunity and balance your hormones and weight. Anti aging tips.
How to use your imagination as your Internal Guide to help you keep your personal definition of success in sight.
Time-honoured internal cleansing methods from around the world can be a part of your everyday life.
Dance can be a ritual, a means of celebration and a form of entertainment, but it can also be something more. In fact, dance is a mode of human expression that harnesses secrets of the universe!
It’s important to have a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in our diet. Excessive omega-6 has been shown to provoke inflammatory reactions. Keep reading for some great recipes to boost your omega-3 and lower your omega-6 intake!
There’s a saying “laughter is the best medicine” – it turns out that might just be true!