For the first time a gene has been identified that has a link to optimism.
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There is a new storm howling through the ranks of doctors who still tremble at the thought of prescribing hormones to resist the relentless march of ageing.
The health of our pets may also be affected by stress and emotions. Learn the causes of stress in your pet and how it affects their behaviour and do your part to keep them healthy.
Caffeine might help block skin damage from UV light but is it an answer to skin cancer?
An unknown ingredient in coffee helps prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.
What I am about to share with you is quite profound and goes back to one of my first blogs on emotions the missing link. I am now more convinced than ever!
Learn what benefits Mother Nature can give to your skin.
Researchers have isolated a gene that is believed to be necessary for happiness.
Activity in teenager’s brains can predict which pop songs will succeed.
Blueberries can lower cholesterol by impacting your liver.
Water is an important part of many religious rituals and narratives representing refreshment and renewal. Even going for a walk near a body of water can lift the spirits, so why does this liquid wonder have such an effect on our bodies, hearts and minds?
Say goodbye to temporary weight loss methods and boost your metabolism with stimulating foods, exercise and some well-though-out lifestyle changes.